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Enrollment Information

All teams/coaches must complete the google form to be considered enrolled. 

You MUST hit submit for the form to finalize. 
Submit Academic Bowl Registration by September 27, 2024.
I will be accepting late enrollment through October 11, 2024 
Entry Deadline for Online Team Tournaments is December 13, 2024

Entry for TOCQ/HSTOCQ can be completed on this form. If you decide to later enroll for that please fill out the form on that page of the website instead.

EIN and W-9 available upon request.

If you are on mobile click here to go to the form directly.

Online Qualifying for TOC

This link will take you to the enrollment form for the Mid Level (6-8) TOCQ. Multiple dates from which to choose.

Tournament of Champions

This link will take you to the enrollment form for the Mid Level (6-8) Tournament of Champions. First Weekend of April each year.

Online Qualifying for HSTOC


This link will take you to the enrollment form for the High School (9-12) HSTOCQ.

High School Tournament of Champions

This link will take you to the enrollment form for the High School Tournament of Champions. First weekend of May each year.


The OAAC is a private non-profit association.  EIN and W-9 on request.

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