Logging into the test.
Link to the testing site
Please read all the way through the instructions before attempting your first login.
Registration and additional information will be sent directly to you in an email. If you do not have it, please check your spam filter for an email from stacy@oaac.org
We use the New ALCA as our testing host.
Please read the full instructions (below) before you log into ALCA!
Coaches should ask their IT administrators to make sure that our sites are whitelisted to prevent the blocking of tests or images.
Domains to unblock from filters:
This is the link to the site:

Competition site
The link will take you to the competition page for the Online Team Tournaments. If you see a blue page please log out or exit.
Codes for each test can be found on the document sent via email from Stacy. Simply go to the site and enter the unique test code.
It is recommended that you clear your cache before beginning any test. This is the fix if you see a white screen once you enter your code as well.

Are you ready screen
This is the last chance to change your mind.
From this screen, you may choose Begin to start the test or exit the test by closing the tab.
Once you hit Begin, you have the allotted time to complete the test. You will not be able to stop the time.
Practice Tests
Reporting Form
Once you have completed each of the current year Competition tests, you will fill out a reporting form. Do not fill out a form for the practice tests.